Susan Jacobs

I'm a Web Developer with extensive software engineering management and server-side development experience. Experienced in Agile / Lean software development processes including Scrum and Kanban.
Susan Jacobs

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My Skills


Front End
  • JavaScript (ES2015)
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Handlebars
  • HTML
  • CSS


Back End
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Java
  • Spring
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL


Process Management
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Jira
  • Rally
  • Git, SVN, ClearCase

About Me

I am a Web Developer getting back to what I love doing - coding. At my most recent job, I began as a Principal Software Engineer, and was promoted to an Engineering Manager role. I enjoy managing teams, but I found that I no longer had the time to continue coding alongside my management responsibilities. I missed the thrill I got when I solved a particularly difficult problem, and the satisfaction I felt when a feature that I developed improved our users' experience in some way.
When the opportunity arose for me to leave my job and take some time for myself, I made the decision to attend the Web Development Immersive class at General Assembly to build my web development skills. My development experience is primarily with server-side code, but I became very interested in JavaScript development while managing a team that was developing primarily in JavaScript. It is a challenging language to learn, but when implemented well it can be used to develop web applications that are fun and easy to use.
I am bringing my computer science background, extensive software development experience, and commitment to writing high-quality, easily maintainable code to the world of JavaScript and Web Development. I am looking for opportunites where I can continue to improve my JavaScript skills and use my considerable software development experience to help a team develop kick-ass products for their users.

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My Projects

Basic tic-tac-toe game written in JavaScript with connections to an API to save and retrieve old games.

Full-stack application to add, edit, search and delete recipes. JavaScript front-end with Ruby-on-Rails and Postgres back-end.

Full-stack application to keep track of job opportunities. JavaScript client using Ember framework with Ruby-on-Rails and Postgres back-end.

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